How To Use The Service Directory
The Service Directory
The Brain Injury Association of London and Region uses pre-defined search filters to help you find organizations and services that may be needed after a brain injury.
The Service Directory is intended to be used by survivors, family members who are looking for services, and/or professionals who are looking for services for their clients/patients.
To Access The Service Directory
Go to the home page for the Brain Injury Association of London and Region:
Click on the “Support” tab, across the top of the home page. Then click on “Service Directory”.
Alternatively, you can access the Service Directory directly by clicking on this link:
To Find Services
To view all listings, click on the “View All Listings” bar across the top.
You can also search for services based on the type of Services Provided and/or the Areas Served.
To search for a specific type of service, click in the “Services Provided” box. You will see a list of services arranged in alphabetical order in a drop-down list. Select the service you would like to search for, by clicking on that service from the drop-down list. This will add that service into the “Services Provided” box. You may need to scroll down the list to find the service(s) you are looking for.
If you would like to search for more than one service, click in the Services Provided box to see the drop-down list of services again, and then select another service by clicking on that service. Each time you click on a service from the drop-down list, that service will be added into the “Services Provided” box.
If you have selected a service in error or would like to remove a service from your search, simply click on the service you want removed from the drop-down list.
To search for a specific area served, simply click on the box beside each of the “Area Served” listed (i.e. London/Middlesex, Elgin, Huron, Oxford, Perth). You can click on any or all of the boxes. You can also leave all the boxes blank and the search will be completed based on only the services you have selected, regardless of area served.
Conversely, you can leave the “Services Provided” box blank, and search based only on “Area Served”.
Once you have completed your selections, click on the orange “Search” button on the right side of the screen. The results displayed will be based on the search parameters you have selected. The results will include all listings which provide any of the services selected, AND serve any of the areas checked.
To clear all your selections, click on the gray “Clear” button, beside the orange “Search” button.